Many people look to massages as a great way to relieve tension or stress and to help relax. Yet, most would tell you that they maybe get massages once a month or even less often. Different things can get in the way like costs, free time or even the need for a massage....
Sat Nam! “Kundalini Yoga is the science to unite the finite with Infinity, and it’s the art to experience Infinity in the finite.” Yogi Bahjan Kundalini yoga was brought into the mainstream in 1968 when Yogi Bhajan began teaching in California. He founded 3HO...
Saunas are a great way to remove toxins from your body and to help you feel more alive and rejuvenated. Many people turn to saunas as a way to flush out their system when dealing with common colds or congestion along with other ailments. While traditional dry saunas...
In recent years Halotherapy has grown into one of the most popular forms of alternative therapy. Millions are turning to Halotherapy for its multitude of benefits but what is it? If you’re looking for alternative therapy treatments or you are interested in...
Salt therapy isn’t a new practice by any means. It’s been used holistically for centuries as one of many homeopathic methods of treating respiratory discomfort and illness. Of course, before modern technology salt treatment was available only through the healing mists...